
We know things can get tricky. At Redarbor we understand the potential for difficult situations, internally and with partners, and how to bring resolution. We know dispute avoidance is ideal – prevention is better than cure! – and we can help you start well; getting the contract right, understanding conditions precedent and operating in accordance with it. Ensuring you have good management, administration and commercial control, and good habits and disciplines throughout.

When things aren’t going well, we can help. We are skilled in dispute negotiation and resolution, case reviews, non-contentious resolution and advice and management. We can help in contentious resolution, bringing together the expert team needed and undertaking case management.

We can assist with extension of time entitlement, loss and / or expense entitlement and help you with payment issues in a number of ways. In addition to our general consultancy, we can work with you in undertaking change management, reviews of cash management procedures and making recommendations, advising contractual rights and obligations and more, we can ensure financial issues are minimised. In difficult payment situations we can set off mitigation and / or elimination, look at defects mitigation, final account payment recovery and retention payment recovery.

Get in touch and let us know where we can help >